Monday, August 11, 2008

Hong Kong

When we were on the boat to Hong Kong, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Well I kind of could.. I WAS expecting a big city. But my God, did it ever end! There was just high rise after high rise for miles. Some were nice, and some looked like a bomb site. We were staying in Kowloon, and as soon as we got there went for a look around. Every single 'alley' was a MALL! It was insane. We probably never got more than 100metres from where we were staying because there was soo much to see. That evening it started raining and we saw a sign saying 'Typhoon warning 1 has been enforced'. Oh, great.

The next morning when we woke up the weather seemed a bit worse and we were meant to be going to Disneyland so I checked their website and now the Typhoon warning was up to number 8! I checked the HK weather site and warning number 8 meant everyone was to stay inside and not much was open. So, we spent the majority of that day in our room reading and sleeping and watching Chinese Soaps, ha! At that point we were more concerned that the typhoon would still be here when we were leaving and we wouldn't be able to catch a boat to Macau to fly out!

Thank goodness, the next day the typhoon warning was lifted and we could go out! It was a long day though, we had to fit a lot in! We went to Lantu Island and up to see the Giant Buddha and Monestry. The views out there were amazing and no pictures I could take gave it justice. The Buddha really is Giant - and it is situated right on top of a hill. Afterwards we went and had a really really yumm vegetarian lunch at the monestry (this is where the monks live).

Then we went to Disneyland! Where all your childhood dreams become true! Unfortunately we happened to be there during the school holidays and since it had been closed the day before it was PACKED! We spent so much time in lines and most of the rides were all of 30 seconds long. However the 30 seconds were still lots of fun! Its funny how it doesn't matter how old you are, if you've wanted to go on the teacups all your childhood its pretty damn exciting even when your 20 or 50! We watched a parade which was also really cool despite it being aimed at 10 year olds, haha. And at the end of the night we watched fireworks over the castle - in true Disney Style! It actually gave me goosebumps it was so cool. It really was like being a kid again...

There were 2 downsides to Disneyland. First was the kids (and adults) pushing in front of you in line. Now kids, I can understand, because they get excited and dont think about anyone but themselves. But Adults? Argh. Every single line we lined up in, including the ice cream line, someone pushed in front of us. Maybe its because we're foreign? I dont know. But it was really annoying!
The other downside was the food. (apart from the popcorn). We got these grosssss noodles for lunch and they ended up giving Dionne food poisoning, and she has been sick since.

I think I have to go back to Hong Kong, because I don't feel like I saw enough of it. Although I think it would take quite some time!

By the way I have uploaded LOTS of photos to Facebook so if you dont have FB, get it. You can search for me by my name!

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