Thursday, December 4, 2008

Jelousy, happiness and a broken toe

A few blogs ago I talked about how jelous I was of the people who were still working in the states with ISV. Now that the season has finished alot of those people who made it to the end are travelling various places in Europe and South America leaving me with an even deeper feeling of jelousy.
Jelousy... why do we get jelous? It is a natural feeling to be jelous of others who have more than us. But I hate being jelous! I've started reading one of the books I bought in Vietnam; The Art of Happiness by the Dalai Lama and Howard Cutler. It talks about how, when it comes to overall happiness, 'your state of mind is key'.

When we are jelous, we are comparing ourselves to someone who, to us, seems more fortunate than we do. But, if we step back and put it into perspective, there are a lot of people out there much less fortunate than us that should actually make US feel like the fortunate ones.

However, I've read this, and I understand it to be true, but for some reason I am still jelous. Lately I've started to realise how short life really is, because I have so much I want to do in my life and now, only at 21 years old, I feel like I'm going to struggle to do everything I want to do! Anyone who is older than me right now is probably shaking their head at what im saying haha!
I know I need to just accept that we can only do so much, I'm not superwoman (unless I find some kriptonite...hrmmm).

And I do know how fortunate I am to have had a financially stable upbringing, a loving family, opportunity in education....

Sometimes we just need to keep reminding ourselves to put it in perspective. Or get someone to help you put it in perspective! Its not always easy, especially when you're having a bad day. Like yesterday, I broke my toe!! I just walked into the wall...really hard obviously. Its not even a good story is it? But it really hurts and now I cant walk properly! It has certainly affected my immediate happiness, but I'm working on it :)

And to finish this blog I have a nice quote from His Holiness the Dalai Lama himself
"we dont need more money, we dont need greater success or fame, we dont need the perfect body or the perfect mate - right now, at this very moment, we have a mind, which is all the basic equipment we need to acheive complete hapiness."

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