Saturday, January 1, 2011

Babanam Kevalam

As I sat in the back of Baan Dada's truck along with 45 other children at 1am this morning, I thought, I need to share this experience. Despite being up chanting and meditating for 3 1/2 hours the children do not complain, no. They simply find comfort and warmth in each others bodies. They are using every single body part as a pillow, teddy and hot water bottle. I have a teenage girl on my left shoulder, and 2 younger girls under my right arm. One of them eventually falls asleep in my lap. The only reason I have no children on my feet is because 2 other volunteers sit there.

Tonight has been an extremely long night, I'm not suprised theyre tired, I'm tired!And usually at about this time on New Years Eve I'm wide awake partying the night away. Instead, spent the evening singing "Babanam Kevalam" to different melodies played on an acoustic guitar, while walking slowly in a big group circle, hands in prayer position (until your arms get tired). We did this for 3 hours straight. My thoughts were mostly "what does Babanam Kevalam mean?" and "what is the time?".

At the end of the 3 hours we sat for 15 minutes meditation. Which would have been nice if the neighbours weren't blasting terrible Thai pop music and someone didnt constantly take inappropriate pictures of the meditation circle.

It was then 15 minutes to the new year, and Didi told us a fable, which goes something like this:

On a very very hot day, Dada was massaging Baba in his home. It was so hot that day that they had the ceiling fan on the fastest speed. (no air con in this fable)Baba, who was staring at the ceiling fan watching it go round and round, grew curious, and asked "Dada, could you tell me, how many blades are on the ceiling fan?" Dada looked up for a long time and tried counting, but couldnt work out the answer. Eventually he got frustrated and angry, he said "Baba I dont know, its too hard, I can not give you an answer"
Baba replied "Dada, there is no need to get frustrated, all you need to do is turn off the fan at the wall and wait for it to slow down before you count the blades"

This fable probably seems very simple, but the point of it, as Didi said, is that if you cannot find an answer immediately, you should not get frustrated and angry. These emotions will block you from finding a way to your answer.
I like the moral.
Then Dada (2) spoke, and answered the question I had been asking all night. "Babanam Kevalam" means "love is everywhere", and I decide it is very nice to think that was what I had been singing for the 3 hours before 2011.
Baba is also the name of the Guru behind Neo-Humanism, so I think the reason the mantra starts with his name is because during his spiritual journies he became all the emotions he portrayed, especially love.

As we say Happy New Year without the smooches and clank of wine glasses, but still with the typical fireworks competing in the background, I say something to the universe about this year being better than the last.

In the back of the truck, I am thinking to myself the whole journey back to Baan Dada Childrens Home. Tonight was not what I would call an amazing spiritual night. It was boring compared to many new years and many spiritual experiences. But, it was such a different experience to have on such a special night, and at least one I will definitley remember! I hope now the new year is marked with this change in experience, and I that I can only feel Babanam Kevelam the whole year through.

Happy New Year everybody!

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